STOP Clearcutting the Earths Last Forests (Oregon)

Portland Oregon tv News Politics of Corruption of Oregon's Backwater Capitol of Salem US - International News 2015 Oregon Timber Industry decimating the Natural Ecosystem of the Pacific Northwest causing sickness,droughts and species extinctionToxic Deadly Chemicals discovered in all Oregon Rivers, Lakes,Streams and Drinking Water used in made in Oregon drinks and food products tainted by Biocides (deadly carcinogenic chemicals) re : Oregon Logging-Chemical Industry :The Era of Helicopter Spraying of Deadly Chemicals in Oregon is Over! "The Fall of the Dark Regime" deranged sub- human inbreds of salem oregon Oregon Forestry Board is Ignorant of Forest Science : 'A Forest is a Ecosystem of Nature' and NOT a TREE FARM! "The Dark Regime" Oregon Logging Companies Sicken Residents The State of Oregon corrupt Politicians aka The Dark Regime think they can protect the Logging Industries bribes and political contributions if they cover up information about deadly chemicals sprayed on residents and tourists.Are Oregon Policitians and State Officials FUCKING MORONS? Do they not know about the Internet? WTF! Most Oregonians have been exposed to carcinogenic gene / brain altering and mutating neurotoxins chemicals sprayed by helicopter including Atrazine,Glyphosate and Agent Orange (as many as 5000 different toxic chemicals are used throughout Oregon currently and these chemicals are found in the State's Drinking Water) : Cancer causing chemicals (Biocides) used by the State's Timber Corporations sprayed on clear cut and leaked into the water supply .The state of Oregon aka the Dark Regime attempts to cover up and alter data on logging chemicals in the drinking water statewide Welcome to Oregon Home of the Dark Regime : A Real-Life Dystopia Government run by Vile Psychopaths and a Apathetic and/or BRAINWASHED Public who are happy to be the 'Batteries' giving their lifeforce to the Dark Regime Oregon Drinking Water tested positive for logging spray chemicals statewide but Portland TV News and Alternative Newspapers did not publish a story about the carcinogenic contamination Oregon Home Residential Neighborhood News 2015 "Living in Oregon is like living in a War Zone of a Third World Country!" The Dark Regime control of Salem Oregon Capitol for nearly 40 Years Oregon Logging Companies have been dumping Tons of Toxic Pesticides onto the People and Wildlife of the Pacific Northwest.Oregon Logging Roads and deadly Chemicals caused the Pacific Northwest Salmon to become critically endangered! Logging Chemicals wiping out Birds,Frogs,Salamanders,Wild Bees and Native Flowers into Extinction.Oregon Coast Campgrounds / Tourist spots / hiking Trails sprayed with toxic timber clearcut chemicals including those used in Agent Orange Chemical Weapons The corrupt State of Oregon in blatant Violation of the Federal Clean Water Act. "Oregon Politics" Oregon Culture is a mass brainwashed reality of the insane and absurd levels of sociopathic ignorance of the obvious...The State of Oregon only exists to the brainwashed residents who are too deeply programmed into accepting the Dark Regime as a legitimate Government when in fact it a unconstitutional Oligarchy that has no place in American Politics. Corrupt,Psychopathic backwater Republicans and some Democrats approve of Greedy Logging Companies destruction of Nature through Clearcutting and Ariel Spraying on Homes and Schools Deadly Toxic Chemicals on the People of Oregon and Tourists to popluar sites like the Oregon Coast causing Ecological Collapse Time to Stand Up and Revolt! Portland News Home 2015 "Oregon Politicians Are Stupid for Clear Cutting Trees" Old Growth Forests and Rain Forest Travel : What is a Forests? Save the World's Last Old Growth Forests from corrupt vile sociopathic incompetent Oregon Politicians who want to sell it to logging corporations to clearcut and export logs to china because the Corrupt and Incompetent Oregon Legislature members and State Rep. Peter DeFazio are unable to fund state programs.Peter DeFazio stands out as criminals who must be brought to justice. Politicians of republican party / democratic party say they don't have any money to fund the state's Schools and Education Programs? The Insane Oregon Lawmakers have tied Education Funding to Clearcutting (Destruction of Nature)? WTF is wrong with these people? They exist to destroy forests and cause irreversible Climate Change (Droughts) ...Moving to Oregon? Natural Resource Environmental Crimes is not a sustainable economy and is the main reason why oregon remains a poor,welfare dependent state mired in poverty,hopelessness,depression,alcoholism,meth addiction,political corruption,corporate welfare, and complete ignorance of Nature : The Source of Life What is Old Growth? "Save the Last Old Growth Forests in America" Stop State Politicians from allowing Oregon Loggers / Logging Companies from clearcutting and spraying timber deadly chemicals on America's Last Rain Forest : This is a a crime against humanity and the Earth US Political Corruption in America "We need International Intervention to stop the destruction of Forests and endangered species being harmed in Oregon since the Clean Water and Air Act is not being enforced by the National US Government nor do they seemed concerned of human rights violations" End the State of Oregon's Current Government as allowed by the Oregon Constitution. Oregon's Corporate-State Crimes against Humanity and Environmental Destruction of Nature allowed by Logging Corporations via Corrupt State Politicians and Incompetent Forestry Officials. Oregon Logging Industry clear cutting Forests causing DROUGHT including warm air year round leading to lack of snowpack and apocalyptic drought.The coming Apocalyptic Drought will cost 10s of billions of dollars in economic losses for the anti-environment,backward,uneducated and unprogressive State of oregon State Officials Cover-up chemicals (pesticides / herbicides) sickening Oregon Residents and Tourists Oregon Logging Chemicals cause Breast Cancer Rates to spike among Women Residents and Tourists.Women in the Pacific Northwest Cities and Towns has some of the highest breast cancer rates in the World. The Past was a political crime against the Earth and Humanity by Logging Companies : Corporate Paper / Logging Multinationals destruction of the Forest Ecosystems causing warmer air to melt the state's snowpack... Biosphere Ecological-Genocide vs The Future of Economy of Biomimicry : Rural and Urban Oregon Youth learn to become a new generation of Green Sustainable Organic " Hemper Jacks " Pacific Northwest Travel News 2015 Save America's Last Forests Stop Clearcutting and Spraying of Toxic Chemicals on Forests / Wildlife Ends! Oregon Travel Guide CNN News 2015 Hazmat Suit Oregon Travel Outdoor Recreation Fashion Clothing for Family Hiking / Camping Outdoor Wear For Oregon Tourists Hazmat Suits needed for Visting Oregon Forests,Oregon Coast, Old Growth Forests / Rain Forests,Logging of Southern Oregon Forests,Mt Hood clearcuts, Polluted Oregon Waterfalls and State Attractions "The Oregon Traveler Suit" all visitors should wear hazmats clothing at all times in Oregon (hazardous material suit) including children and baby sizes, hazmat aka oregon suits for pets are also available Oregon Travel 2015 Public Health

Location: Oregon -
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