What Is The Mystery And Fear Behind HILLARY

From the beginning, some Republicans have been trying to destroy Hillary Clinton. Why?

This why Is the why, America want to see Mrs. Clinton in the position American men apparently fear. But the only way to find out is to elect her as President of the USA. And PLEASE! don't give us no more Vince Foster. Because if this suppose to be the fear, then America is suppose to fear their whole Government for the assassination and murder of President Kennedy.

And this evolving Benghazi crap needs to stop.

It started out as Benghazi gate. Former Secretary of State Clinton, was and still is suppose to be responsible for the death of four people in Libya. Republicans spearheaded by PTSD Senator McCain, wanted to know why didn't she increase security at the consulate in Libya?

Then next, because their was no smoke, it turned to prying into the business of the Executive, crossing the boundaries of the separation of powers. One of such prying was into then Secretary of State (SOS) Clinton's communications, to find info on Benghazi. Obviously, that didn't turn up anything either, according to an investigation.

Then it turned to the Emails on Ms. Clinton's private server and why she conducted business on such server. Now reports say, it's not about Mrs. Clinton, it's about whether classified documents were sent via her personal server.

Now I don't know how it works in the government but here's the question. Does the Secretary of State have access to all communications transmitted over government servers? If not, how could anything about the State Department be classified to its Chief? Doesn't the SOS have the right to know all communications to and from its Department?

In other words, how can anything be secret between oneself and others? So whether Mrs. Clinton downloaded emails or not, she knows what she or one of her deputies knew or discussed with others. Are investigators saying, if she didn't download the purported emails, she wouldn't have knowledge of any classified emails pertaining to her department?

Therefore, absent any hacking of then SOS Clinton's private server, where is the harm? I tell ya.

Although Benghazi is rarely mentioned in connection with the Emails anymore, lets not forget, this is where all these current investigations into Mrs. Clinton begins.

One can only wonder what's next in the evolving Benghazi fiasco, when nothing about the private email server turns up?

And lets send this comparison of Mrs. Clinton and General Petraeus to a grinding halt. The degrees in descendants of the President is evidence enough to show Mrs. Clinton exercises more privileges and immunities than the General.

How does the Presidency descends? If I'm not not mistaken it goes like this. President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, "Secretary of State," etc., etc. Where in the chain does a General appear?

Again, why is it this great fear of HIILARY CLINTON? I don't know what she can do adverse, than what her male predecessors have already done? So that can't be the fear.

Vote her in and lets find out the mystery and fear of Mrs. Hillary Clinton.

Besides, America want to see how a woman will run things. And for now, that woman is Hillary Clinton.

UPDATE: Mrs. Clinton appeared on ABCNews with David Muir (7:00 pm est 09-8-2015) and mentioned she made a mistake by using her private server to transact the duties of the State Department. She also said others knew she was using a private server to conduct the affairs of her Department and personal communications.

At the end of this segmented interview, it was pointed out that the investigation is not criminal. WHAT? So why are the American people being subjugated, especially in tax dollars, to an inquiry that's only going to lead to, as Mrs. Clinton said, a mistake?

Look, just face it. Congress missed its turn. Mrs. Clinton is a private citizen (which by the way, if I were her, I would stop interviewers from addressing me as Former SOS unless I choose otherwise), enjoying all the privileges, rights and immunities as a citizen of the USA.

This ex post facto waste of tax dollars on an investigation that can only yield an impeachment of a non-sitting official only proves one thing, the whole charade is political. I tell ya, Americans????

Puzzled? Why, there's no need for you to be puzzled, behold I have foretold you all things. Haven't I told you? AMERICANS ARE A BUNCH OF KNAVES AND FOOLS!!! I tell ya.

This hysterical fear of HILLARY, just make everybody curious.

The foregoing is a free speech analysis and observation by Colored.

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